Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Things I'm going to miss...

-Fritz starting every conversation with "Kevin had a seizure" and answering every question with "My mom."

-Eating dinner with a crowd of people each night.

-$1.00 movie nights at the Arlington Cinema Draft House

-Linda's impersonation of me impersonating her ("Geoooorge....).

-The opportunity to share memories and blessings with people during their celebrations.

-"Beer Accompaniment" with Terrence.

-Hazel laughing at my jokes and competing in staring contests in the van.

-Visiting the statue of Mary with Fritz after prayer night ends.

-Linda rubbing her hands together in delight when she accomplishes a task.

-Long, interesting conversations with Mandy on our many road trips or walks around the block.

-Drinking wine with Dottie in the living room after routine is done.

-Finding the most clandestine way to scoop ice cream in the kitchen.

-Lois - her calming presence, her care, her consistency and commitment to our community.

-Dancing like crazy at our l'Arche holiday parties.

-The spontaneous moments where I find Fritz in the kitchen cleaning, putting away the dishes, and laughing to himself.

-Having ample time to read and rest in my room.

-Happy hour with l'Arche DC folks.

-Helping Linda with her exercises and always being impressed with her perseverance.

-Hearing Alan's movie reviews and sports news.

-Going grocery shopping with Fritz.

-Hazel always seeming to know where exactly I left my keys or my shoes or my purse.
-Having Fritz go through the calendar and tell me about the holidays and happenings of each month, complete with sound effects and hand motions.

-Spending ample amount of time at Murky Coffee with Elaine and Mandy.

-Talking politics with my housemates.
-Fritz's long after-dinner prayer, and the fact that I have it memorized.


Joanne Allen said...

I''m going to miss learning about L'Arche through Heather's eyes.

islander said...

Great post!! I suddenly miss all of these things, too and I don't even know you :/