Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Similar to Found Magazine, yet a bit more sobering, is PostSecret.

It's been around for a while but I've only just discovered it.

If you are someone, like me, who is keenly interested in the secrets and idiosyncrasies of other people, check it out.

Be prepared for some serious sadness (though some are lighter - see above).

Perhaps PostSecret will help us to tread more softly around angry strangers or disappointing friends who could very well carry deep wounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey heather,
i found your blog when i was doing a search for "l'arche uganda." i'm a student at duke divinity school, and i'll be graduating in may. reading through some of your posts and looking at your links makes me think of a lot of people you might be interested in connecting with once you're here. if you've got some time, drop me an email: jennifer.l.stallings@gmail.com. i'd be happy to answer any questions you might have, as well as to put you in touch with some really great people here in durham.

blessings and peace to you as you share in jesus' death and resurrection.
