Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's hard to be black in DC.....

From the Washington Post:

Median house-hold income in the District, 1980:
White people: $55,000.00
Black people: $34,700.00
Hispanics: $32,000.00

Median house-hold income in the District, 2006:
White people: $92,000.00
Black people: $34,500.00
Hispanis: $44,000.00

That's a $37,000 increase for white folk and $200 decrease for black folk. A $12,000 increase for Hispanics. If you are a black DC resident, you likely make $57,100 less than a white DC resident.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

wow, that is astounding! How does that even happen.... sad.